AI Crud Composer (artificial intelligence crud generator) Generate UI Database to PHP CRUD
Good News for Php Developers
No More Waste your valuable Time
Why we type manually code which is common
So Get your 80% Completed application
Login and register ,menu and access already there
Just Make Database and Get your full application code (we provide 2 framework core php, CodeIgniter php)
After Generate Code Your super crud application is ready now modify copy and paste customize application as per your client requirements
Easy to extend code
AI Crud Composer Features.
Visual database diagram
Generate database with relationship
Export Database Script In MySql and MsSql server
Create 15 Tables in a application
Export Image Database Diagram with relationship
Insert ,Update,Delete Tables and Tables Columns
All Useful Database Datatypes
When we use Advanced Datatypes :-String Make Text box,Int make Number text box,File Upload ,Calendar,Date time,current log ind user,current date time,Ck Editor,Text area,bit make a checkbox
When we make relationship its automatic make Drop down list on UI
Select your database and select php Framework and generate code
Import Database Tables from another database to current database
After Generate Code In Coding Features.
Understand able directory structure
Well Easy to Understand able code In core php framework
The Best CodeIgniter framework
Generate Table Models classes
Generate Table Controllers
Generate Table Views
Fully Secure Code
Login and Register Page with authentication
Layout Page
Admin Lte Default Theme
Generate all tables MySql.sql Database file with relationship
Generated Php application UI Features.
Admin lte responsive design
Graphical dashboard
All type charts,Bar, Dunant etc.
Jquery UI
Search able drop-down
Ck Editor
all components are there just ready to use.
Login and register page,dashboard other all pages will be generated automatically when you generate application after create your database
AI Crud Composer (artificial intelligence crud generator) Generate UI Database to PHP CRUD
Reviewed by Code Infosys
November 01, 2019

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